
Watch the evolution of Covid19! (20nov20)

Watch the evolution of Covid19 2nd wave in France and 3rd wave in USA and the World with forecasts for the next 30 days!

See the forecast curves...

New zObjects version 12.22 available! (26aug20)

This new version of zObjects has one major enhancement: the ability to run PowerShell commands and/or scripts from APL.

It also contains a few new utilities.

See what's new...

Our Covid19 forecasts application has been updated! (26aug20)

The Total Number of Covid-19 Confirmed Cases in France is increasing exponentially rapidly and our APL+Excel mathematical model forecasts show that this second wave will far exceed the first wave! Also watch the forecast curves for USA, Sweden and the World!

See the forecast curves...

New PivotChart version 2.50! (23aug20)

The PivotChart product has been updated to now use the latest DevExpress v20.1.6 DLLs.

See what's new...

New RibbonDX version 2.24! (23aug20)

The RibbonDX product has been updated to now use the latest DevExpress v20.1.6 DLLs.

See what's new...

New PdfViewer version 1.18! (16aug20)

The PdfViewer product has been updated to now use the latest DevExpress v20.1.6 DLLs.

See what's new...

New zObjects version 12.18 available! (08jul20)

A new version of zObjects has just been released: it contains a good number of APL Utilities and a number of bug fixes and extensions.

Reminder: zObjects is completely free and you can use it with no restrictions in your APL applications or products provided you leave the Lescasse Consulting Copyright information intact in all zObjects functions.

See what's new...

Covid-19 Forecasts improved for daily curves! (15jun20)

The Covid-19 daily predictions curves in the Covid-19 Forecasts page have been improved by now combining 3 LogNormal equations resulting in much better adjustment to historical data and better forecasts.

SSGear v3.87 is now available! (07jun20)

This new version includes a small inaccuracy sometimes happening in the SetRowHeights method when setting the heights for all rows in a sheet or entire workbook.
It also includes 2 new methods:

  • GetShapeNames to return the names of all Shape objects in the worksheet
  • ShowChartExplorer to programmatically display the SpreadsheetGear Chart Explorer
Learn more about SSGear

Covid-19 Forecasts improved for cumulative curves! (05jun20)

The Covid-19 predictions curves in the Covid-19 Forecasts page have been improved by now combining 3 sigmoids. This does significantly improve both the model fit to the end of the historical data and the predictions for the next 30 days. The charts now display point labels for only one point out of 2, thus mostly avoiding overlap of point labels and curves.

New zObjects version 12.07 available! (26may20)

A new version of zObjects has just been released: it contains a good number of APL Utilities and a number of bug fixes and extensions. Reminder: zObjects is completely free and you can use it with no restrictions in your APL applications or products provided you leave the Lescasse Consulting Copyright information intact in all zObjects functions.
  See what's new...

The New APL+Win Features Database has been updated for APL+Win v19.0.01! (25may20)

You can now check the New APL+Win Features Database for enhancements and bug fixes in APL+Win v19.0.01.

Covid-19 Forecasts for Sweden added! (12may20)

The Covid-19 Forecasts page now includes the following new forecast charts:

  • Total number of Deaths due to the Covid-19 in Sweden
  • Daily number of new Deaths due to the Covid-19 in Sweden (7-days moving average)
This seemed interesting to add as Sweden is one of the very few countries not having confined people.

Covid-19 Forecasts for USA and World! (28apr20)

The Covid-19 Forecasts page now includes the following new forecast charts:

  • Total number of Deaths due to the Covid-19 in the USA
  • Daily number of new Deaths due to the Covid-19 in the USA (7-days moving average)
  • Total number of Deaths due to the Covid-19 in the World
  • Daily number of new Deaths due to the Covid-19 in the World (7-days moving average)

Covid-19 Forecasts for France! (22apr20)

This new page presents some best fit mathematical models and forecasts for the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic in France, all regressions being computed with APL+Win.
Covid-19 Forecasts for France

MapsDX, PdfViewer, RibbonDX and PivotChart updated! (14jan20)

The MapsDX, PdfViewer, RibbonDX and PivotChart products have been updated to now use the latest version of the DevExpress DLLs (v19.2.5 as of Jan 1, 2020). Additionally a number of improvements have been made to the APL workspaces relative to these products. Download the 30-day Trial versions of these products

SSGear v3.84 is now available! (09jan20)

This new version is now based on the latest version of the SpreadsheetGear DLLs as of January 1, 2020. It includes a number of new methods and properties concerning workbooks. The main enhancement is that you can now open multiple workbooks at the same time and navigate from one workbook to the other one. Additionally, there are new methods for getting/setting Combo Boxes and Check Boxes values.
See: SSGear and SSGear History
Download SSGear v3.84

zObject v11.12 is now available! (09jan20)

This new version includes a very large number of new properties, methods, enhancements to existing properties and methods, as well as new objects.
Visit: zObjects History and sort the page by Objects to see all the new features.
Reminder: The zObjects documentation has been published as a 448 pages book entitled Object Oriented Programming using .Net and APL+Win.
You can purchase it here at

New book: Object Oriented Programming using .Net and APL+Win (11jun19)

I have published a book entitled Object Oriented Programming using .Net and APL+Win.

This 448 pages book is available to purchase at:

If you want to order a copy of the book, go to and enter the full book title in the Search field or even more simply click here.

New improved version of zObjects (10jun19)

zObjects version 9.56 is now available for download. This new version includes a large number of enhancements, extensions and a few bug fixes.

As a reminder, zObjects is totally free, and royalty free to use in your APL+Win applications. It includes mostly all the objects you need to easily build nice APL+Win applications with "perfect" User interfaces.

If you also make use of the other products, you can develop applications using Ribbons with nice collections of hundreds of icons in your APL+Win applications (with RibbonDX), you can graphically explore your data using the drag and drop PivotChart product, display and search PDF files in APL+Fin forms with PDFViewer, build, display and/or use Excel files embedded in APL+Win forms using SSGear and even display and use maps in your APL+Win forms with MapsDX.

But even if you do not need these extra features, zObjects is enough to build really great and easy to maintain APL+Win applications.

New versions of the MapsDX, PdfViewer, and RibbonDX products! (10jun19)

You can now download and install new versions of the MapsDX, PdfViewer, and RibbonDX products. These products are all now based on the latest version of the DevExpress libraries (v19.1) as of June 10, 2019.

SSGear v3.69 is now available! (10jun19)

This new version is now based on the latest version of the SpreadsheetGear DLLs as of June 10, 2019.

New APL+Win Features Database extended (03nov18)

The New APL+Win Features Database which you can access from the Support horizontal menu has been extended to now include all new features and changes brought to APL+Win since its very first release (1.0) when the product name was still APL*PLUS III. This database allows you to:

  • find when a new feature has been added to APL+Win
  • see when a particular APL+Win feature has been changed or improved
  • search for any keyword and find the corresponding records in the database
  • see all features added or changed in a particular release
  • search by categories like: New Primitive or Enhanced System Function
  • see and search for bug fixes
  • etc.
Note: because of the size of the database, the New APL+Win Features Database page takes a few seconds to load.

See the New APL+Win Features Database!

SSGear v3.65 is now available! (27jul18)

This new version fixes a potential problem sometimes freezing the APL keyboard after the ShowDesigner or ShowExplorer methods have been used.

RibbonDX v2.21 is now available! (07jul18)

This new version fixes a problem in the button_ItemClick event handler when the Ribbon is minimized and a button is clicked.

zREngine v2.17 is available! (06jul18)

This new version fixes a problem that prevented the v2.16 LC.Rengine object from being properly instantiated.

zREngine v2.16 is now available! (05jul18)

This new version is a minor release that fixes a few issues related to the zREngine Session child window of the zREngineSession object: the results of executed R expressions were not always displayed or displayed correctly in this child window.

New version of SSGear! (21may18)

The SSGear product has been updated to now use the very latest version and hotfixes of the SpreadsheetGear DLL libraries (v8.1.26.102). The new version can be downloaded from the download page (

New versions of MapsDX, PdfViewer, RibbonDX and PivotChart! (20may18)

The MapsDX, PdfViewer, RibbonDX and PivotChart products have all been updated to now use the very latest version of the DevExpress libraries (v18.1.3). The new versions can be downloaded from the download page (

New zREngine v2.15 Released! (03may18)

zREngine v2.17 is a minor release including improvements for better handling of the APL minus character and APL non ASCII characters.


R v3.5.0 has just been released but the R.Net C# library used by zREngine to interface R and APL has not yet been updated for R v3.5.0: so, for now, please be sure to install and use R v3.3 32-bits or R v3.4 32-bits.
Learn more...

zObjects v3.21 is now available! (09apr18)

This new version of zObjects includes quite a number of enhancements to various objects and some bug fixes. It also includes the new rewritten zREngine APL object (note that you must separately download and install the zREngine product to be able to use the zREngine APL object). Learn more...

New zREngine v2 Released! (06apr18)

zREngine v2.17 is a brand new version of zREngine with a brand new entirely rewritten DLL now called LC.REngine.dll.
This version allows you to fully use R from APL+Win applications: its characteristics are:

• use all of the R language from APL+Win
• programmatically load and use R packages
• display any kind of R charts in APL forms (including ggplot2 charts)
• execute any R expression or set of R expressions from APL and get the results in APL

Additionally, this new version includes only one DLL, is much faster to load, does no longer use the APL CSE system, does no longer create graphics files on disk when displaying R charts in an APL form, creates better vector (Metafile) graphics, can be used to display as many simultaneous APL form with R charts as desired, including in APL MDI applications. Learn more...

New APL+Win v18.0.01 Release (14feb18)

This version includes a new version of the APL+Win Grid which auto-adapts to high DPI and screen resolutions higher than 1080p (i.e. 1920x1080 pixels). It also includes 3 new Grid properties to help better scale images in the Grid and an enhanced version of the ⎕userid System Function. And of course a few bug fixes....

The New APL+Win Features Database has been updated for v18 and also you can now search the database against a specific APL+Win version number! Learn more...

SSGear v3.62 released! (03feb18)

Fixed a problem where the SSGear grid would not enter Edit Mode when pressing F2 or typing in a cell, after the DoubleClickEntersEditMode property was set to 0. Learn more...

PdfViewer v1.13 released! (25jan18)

The PdfViewer product has been updated to now use the latest DevExpress v17.2.4 libraries.

SSGear v3.61 released! (18jan18)

This new version includes 2 new methods: RemoveControl and RemoveControls allowing to remove one or more controls like Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox or Spinner controls from any given worksheet in an SSGear workbook. Learn more...

PivotChart v2.46 released! (08jan18)

This new version includes 2 new events (SummaryTypechanged and Changed that fires in APL whenever something changes in the PivotChart user interface), as well as 6 new methods to help move fields between the PivotGrid areas, as well as programmatically select data in the PivotGrid. Learn more...

SSGear v3.59 is available! (06jan18)

This new version includes a new AddEx method that is similar to Add but does not interpret \n's as new line characters. Learn more...

SSGear v3.58 is available! (04jan18)

This new version includes several new properties and methods among which a Replace method allowing to replace text in all cells of the specified range. Learn more...

Compute Simple Statistics with APL+Win Code Behind on this Site (29oct17)

Enter a series of numbers separated by blanks or paste them (for example, from an APL Session) and let APL+Win compute their Descriptive Statistics or Regressions: see a Chart displaying the Observations or the Fitted Curves. Change some values and press Enter to refresh the Statistics and the Chart. See the APL function which is executed on the Server to compute the Statistics. Visit and use the Simple Statistics Web Page on your Phone, Tablet or PC, as it is Web responsive. Go compute statistics!

New version 3.20 of the zObjects framework (03oct17)

This version includes a new zEmail and a zGmail object allowing you to programmatically send Emails from any machine. The previous object based on ⎕ni has been renamed zEmailNI and a bug has been fixed. Learn more...

New APL+Win v17.1.01 Release (03oct17)

This version includes experimental speedups using the SSE2 Processor Architecture. These can result in making + - × ÷ operations up to twice as fast especially on large arrays. Version 17.1.01 also includes a couple of important bug fixes. Learn more...

New version 3.51 of the SSGear product (26sep17)

This new version includes several new methods (GetTrimmedUsedRange, CopySheets), a new Hwnd property and several enhancements to the SSGear.w3 workspace including a new demo24_copysheets APL function showing how to copy multiple sheets at once to an external Excel workbook. Learn more...

New version 2.97 of the zObjects framework (26sep17)

This new version includes several new objects like zEmail to allow you to programmatically send Emails using sockets, zSQLite to allow using SQLite relational databases from APL, zNetwork to allow creating and using mapped network drives, communicating between computers, etc.. It also adds partial high DPI support to the zGrid object and a few enhancements to the zCombo, zForm and zObject objects.

New version of the RibbonDX and SSGear products (27aug17)

A new SSGear v3.46 version has been released with support for 1/1/1904 based dates support and several new properties and a new RibbonDX v2.19 version has been released.

New version of the zObjects framework (27aug17)

zObjects v2.96 (free) contains many new object properties and methods and the ability to programmatically send keystrokes from APL to any object. See the zObjects History Page.

Product updates to use recent DevExpress libraries! (23jul17)

The MapsDX, PdfViewer, RibbonDX and PivotChart products have been updated to now use DevExpress v 17.1(.3).

zREngine: New APL+Win to R interface! (29may17)

zREngine (free) is a subset of the zObjects product. It allows to use the R language from APL+Win to compute statistics or display R statistical plots in APL+Win forms. Learn more and see examples...

APL+Win New Features Database updated! (13may17)

The APL+Win New Features Database has been updated to now include all APL+Win v17 new features. Check it here...

APL+Win 17.0 has been released! (11may17)

APL+Win v17 includes new DPI awareness and high DPI screens support, better handling of fonts on high-resolution monitors, multi-line captions for Buttons, ⎕nfe enhancements, better placement for the Find and Replace dialogs, new GUI properties, better ⎕wcall and ⎕wi exception handling and a number of enhancements to the C# interface (⎕cse). APL+Win v17 also includes a few important bug fixes. Learn More...

LC.Charts v2.83 is now available! (04may17)

This new version uses the latest ZedGraph DLL, includes SharpPlot v2.63, takes in account the DPI settings to size the sample charts, includes a Dpi property and several new properties and methods. Learn More...

LC.Charts: easy charts for APL+Win developers! (30apr17)

LC.Charts is a C# DLL and a User Command file allowing APL developers to easily and instantaneously visualize APL data as charts from any workspace. LC.Charts is now distributed with APL+Win (since APL+Win v15.0). Learn More...

New version: RibbonDX (28apr17)

A new version 2.16 of RibbonDX is available. Download it...

New product: MapsDX (18mar17)

MapsDX is a C# ActiveX User Control that you can use to display maps within your APL+Win Forms. A comprehensive API allows you to customize the maps as you see wish. See sample maps and learn more ...

See what's coming in APL+Win v17 (15mar17)

See the enhancements and bug fixes which will be part of APL+Win v17. Learn more...

More APL Quiz Solutions (13mar17)

See the APL and J Quiz solutions to Quiz #5 and Quiz #6. They also include solutions in K proposed by Daniel Martin. Learn more...

zObjects Documentation (17feb17)

The zObjects (free) product has extensive detailed documentation (360 pages) which contains a lot of examples and tutorials to get anyone started with this APL development Framework. Learn more...

APL Quiz Solutions (13feb17)

See all the APL Solutions and one J Solution to my APL Quizzes that have been sent to me so far. Sort them by Date, Author, Shortest, Fastest, ... See also a C# solution as well as an Excel solution you can download (which also solves Quiz #5 and Quiz #6). Learn more...

More APL Quiz (13feb17)

Want to try 2 more APL Quizzes? Please send me your most concise solution to Quiz #5 and Quiz #6! If you are a C#, Python or Java developer, look at the APL quizzes and think how you would solve these little problems in your language and compare with the APL solutions. Learn more...

MACfns (07feb17)

Want to speed up your APL+Win applications? Get and use MACfns and its 257 Assembler functions. Learn more...

FAQs (05feb17)

There is a new FAQs page answering questions you may have... Learn more...

APL Quiz (31jan17)

Want to have fun? Exercise yourself at taking my APL Quiz! If you don't know APL yet, look at the solutions and discover the power of APL. Learn more...

LearnAPL (free) (16jan17)

Try one of the latest versions of APL+Win, develop APL+Win functions and workspaces: LearnAPL includes an APL Session, Tutorials, Video, Quiz, Idioms, Documentation, Help Files, etc. Learn more...

New APL+Win Features Database (14jan17)

Query the New APL+Win Features Database to learn more about APL+Win and start using new features you may have overlooked! Learn more...

DotNetVersion (11jan17)

DotNetVersion is a small C# WinForms application finding and displaying all the .Net Framework versions installed on your machine. Learn more...