Enter (or paste) a blank separated list of numbers:

You can also enter APL expressions, using a very limited set of keywords:

iotaiota N generates a vector of the first N integers (in origin 1)
rho3 5 rho {values} generates a 3 rows by 5 columns matrix with the specified values
times{array1} times {array2} multiplies any array {array1} by array {array2}
div{array1} div {array2} divides any array {array1} by array {array2}
power{array1} power {array2} elevates any array {array1} to the powers specified in array {array2}
loglog {array1} computes the logarithm of elements in {array1}
log10log10 {array1} computes the base 10 logarithm of elements in {array1}
expexp {array1} computes number e to the power of elements in {array1}

Note the following rules:

  • when a keyword accepts 2 array arguments, they must conform in rank and dimensions or one of them must be a single value
  • the above keywords work on all supplied elements, hence: 10 2 4 times 2 5 4 returns: 20 10 16
  • to build a 2-column matrix, enter values for the first column, then type: ,[1.5] then enter values for the second column (example: 1 2 3,[1.5]4 5 6)
  • remember that you can paste lists of numbers from another software
  • you can use any APL primitive or operator which is an ASCII character (example: ,!?*=+-<>), use parenthesis, brackets, ...

For example, the expression: ?iota 100 generates 100 random numbers each one being between 1 and the Nth value in iota 100

Or, the expression: (iota 10),[1.5]?10 rho 100 generates a 2 column matrix with the first 10 integers in column 1 and random numbers between 1 and 100 in column 2

Or, the expression: log iota 100 generates a vector with the natural logarithm of the first 100 integers

Have fun!
