
All downloads below are 30-day fully functional Trial Versions (except products marked as Full Version which are free). They all have an uninstaller called uninsXXX.exe. See the FAQs page for more details. The New indicator remains 7 days after a product Release.
You can click on the icon to display the History page for the concerned product.
A version of the workspaces working with earlier versions of APL+Win could be provided on demand (except for zObjects which definitely requires APL+Win v16.2+).

LC Products

AplEngine v2.0.0.0 (Trial Version)
(needs .Net v4.0+)
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AsmFns v2.0.0.0 (Trial Version)
(needs .Net v4.0+)
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MapsDX v1.83 (Trial Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.1+ & .Net v4.5.2+)
Release Date: 14jan20
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PdfViewer v1.18 (Trial Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.1+ & .Net v4.5.2+)
Release Date: 16aug20
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PivotChart v2.50 (Trial Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.1+ & .Net v4.7.2+)
Release Date: 23aug20
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RibbonDX v2.26 (Trial Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.1+ & .Net v4.6+)
Release Date: 4jun24
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SQL v4.0.0.4 (Trial Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.0 & .Net v4.0)
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SSGear v3.87 (Trial Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.1+ & .Net v4.5+)
Release Date: 7jun20
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LC Free Products

DotNetVersion v1.12.0.0 (Full Version)
(needs .Net v2.0)
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LCCharts v2.83 (Full Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.0 & .Net v4.0+)
Release Date: 4may17
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LearnAPL v4.83 (Full Version)
(needs APL+Win v15.0 & .Net v4.5+)
Release Date: 22jan17
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zObjects v12.35 (Full Version)
(needs APL+Win v19.0.01+ & .Net v4.7.2+)
Release Date: 10sep20
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zREngine v2.17 (Full Version)
(needs APL+Win v17+ & .Net v4.7+)
Release Date: 6jul18
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Other Downloads

MACfns v4.0 (Demo Workspace)
(needs APL+Win v3.6+)
Release Date: 17may08
Download »