LC.Charts v2.83 Versions History

This page displays the LC.Charts versions history.

Important Note:

LC.Charts is delivered as a DLL and a User Command file called LCCHARTS.SF. You should set this file as your top level User Command file.

There is now also a workspace called LCCHARTS.W3 delivered in APL+Win v15.0 format.

It is also highly recommended to read the Getting Started with LC.Charts.doc documentation.

Version 2.83 (4apr17)

This new version includes the following enhancements:

Version 2.50 (26aug15)

In this new version you can create the following new types of charts:

All these charts are available through the LC.Charts.Chart3D object, even though they are indeed 2D charts.

The LCCHARTS.W3 workspace include the following demonstration APL functions:

The following new properties and methods have been added to the LC.Charts.Chart3D object:

The new v2.50 version includes the following bug fixes or enhancements:

Version 2.40 (3mar15)

This new version brings a number of properties and methods allowing to customize some aspects of 3D charts.

Here is an example using some of these methods and properties:

Customized 3D chart

The main new 3D charts features are:

The new properties and methods in v2.40 are:

Version 2.30 (31jan15)

This is a major new version including a large number of new properties to allow you to fully customize 2D charts. Some improvements to 3D charts are included as well. This version fulfills almost all the requests many of you have sent me. Read details below the chart!

Here is an example using some of these new properties:

Customized 2D chart

The main new 2D charts features are:

Improvements to 3D charts are:

The new properties in v2.30 are:

Version 2.20 (25jan15)

This version is experimental; its intention is for you to discover the 3D charts that LC.Charts is going to support. For now there are only a few properties you can use with these charts, but I guess you can already create real nice 3D charts using your own data.

Version 2.20 includes 10 types of 3D charts:

Other enhancements are:

Here is a sample of each of the new 3D charts:

altitude chart
fitsurface chart
flattower chart
planes chart
response chart
scatter chart
simplesurface chart
tiledsurface chart
tower chart
trendsurface chart

Version 2.10 (18jan15)

This new version includes 6 major new features:

Check the Getting Started with LC.Charts.doc document which has been updated with all LC.Charts v2.1.0.0 new features!

Also, more utility APL functions are delivered:

The enhancements in this new version are:

  1. new LC.Charts.ChartUC User Control that can be embedded in an APL+Win Form
  2. new xAllowDragPoint property specifying if user can darg and drop curve points
  3. new xFontsScaled property
  4. new XLocalizeTo allowing to localize LC.Charts to 13 different languages
  5. new xVisible property on the LC.Charts.ChartUC control
  6. new xBorder property on the LC.Charts.ChartUC control
  7. new xOverlay property allowing to overlay charts and graphs
  8. new Overlay1 APL function showing how to overlay charts using ]chart
  9. new Overlay2 APL function showing how to overlay charts using ⎕wi
  10. new Chart APL helper function to make it very easy to test LC.Charts porperties
  11. new FormChartBasic APL function showing how to embed a LC.Charts.ChartUC control in an APL+Win Form
  12. new FormChart APL function allowing to interactively build a chart and then save to an auto-generated APL function!
  13. new /reflect option added to the ]chart command to allow seeing changes immediately!
  14. the automatic xYMax default value has been increased by 5%
  15. Getting Started with LC.Charts.doc file updated with documentation about the new features
  16. detailed documentation added for all new properties
  17. detailed documentation added for all LC.Charts.ChartUC properties and for the XLocalizeTo method
  18. history Web page (this page) has been completed with the full LC.Charts history so far
  19. Bug Fix: Pie charts do no longer change their slices fill color as you redraw the chart!
  20. Bug Fix: LC.Charts now display axis correctly after changing type from pie to curve, bar or scatter

Version 2.00 (13jan15)

This new version includes:

  1. full detailed documentation of all LC.Charts properties
  2. new 30-page Getting Started with LC.Charts.doc document
  3. new xCurveFill property and /cf= option allowing to paint the area below curves
  4. new xHandle property returning the LC.Charts window handle
  5. new xXMinorStep property allowing to get, set the X-Axis minor tickmark step
  6. new xYMinorStep property allowing to get, set the Y-Axis minor tickmark step
  7. new xYAxisAtX property allowing to indicate where the Y-Axis should cross the X-Axis
  8. new XClose method allowing to programmatically close the LC.Charts window
  9. each Property now has an associated XPropertyDoc method returning the property documentation (example: XSymbolDoc)
  10. new ]chart /chartaxistypes option
  11. new ]chart /chartcolors option
  12. new ]chart /chartsymbols option
  13. new ]chart /charttypes option
  14. new ]chart /cf= option
  15. new ]chart /properties option listing all LC.Charts properties
  16. new ]chart /methods option listing all LC.Charts methods
  17. new ]chart /version option returning the LC.Charts.dll version number
  18. new ]chart /doc= option allowing to get detailed documentation about any LC.Charts property
  19. new ]chart /xminstep= option has been added
  20. new ]chart /yminstep= option has been added
  21. the ]chart? documentation has been updated
  22. the xLegend property has been extended to charts where xData is a vector
  23. Bug Fix: the handling of Legends has been improved
  24. Bug Fix: all properties are now sensible to the xReflect property setting
  25. Bug Fix: setting the xSymbolFill property was resetting xSymbolSize to the default size
  26. Bug Fix: xMajorStep was not always correctly working

Version 1.71 (9jan15)

  1. Adapted APL functions to be )evlevel neutral (i.e. work in )evlevel 1 and in )evlevel 2)
  2. Removed some recent APL+Win new features which prevented LC.Charts to work in older versions of APL
  3. Tested LC.Charts to work ok in all versions of APL+Win starting at v6.4 (may also work in even older versions)

Version 1.70 (6jan15)

  1. /legend= option added to ]chart
  2. an LC.Charts Form icon has been added
  3. all ]chart options that accept a value may now have the value prefixed by to allow using APL variables for the options
  4. new XAngle property or /xa= option for X-Axis labels angle
  5. new YAngle property or /ya= option for Y-Axis labels angle
  6. new XAxisType property or /xscale= option for X-Axis type
  7. new xChartColors property or /chartcolors option to get/set the 22 chart colors
  8. new xChartSymbols property or /chartsymbols option to get the available symbols
  9. new xChartAxisTypes property or /chartaxistypes option to get the available axis types
  10. new xChartTypes property or /charttypes option to get the available chart types
  11. the xSymbols property has been renamed xChartSymbols
  12. new XMajorStep property to get/set the step between major X-axis ticmarcks
  13. new YMajorStep property to get/set the step between major Y-axis ticmarcks
  14. new XMinorStep property to get/set the step between minor X-axis ticmarcks
  15. new YMinorStep property to get/set the step between minor Y-axis ticmarcks
  16. more charts examples and animations added to the CLCHARTS User Command file

Version (4jan15)

  1. The xData property has been extended to now allow to display point text labels (not just point values)
  2. Bug fix: Point labels are now correctly positioned when zooming

Version (1jan15)

LC.Charts is a C# ActiveX DLL desgined to make it very easy to deisplay APL variables in charts

LC.Charts v1.0.0.0 includes:

  1. the LC.Charts.dll
  2. an APL User Command file LCCHARTS.SF with ]chart User Command
  3. ability to draw curves
  4. a basic set of properties to customize the chart

LC.Charts Project Started (28dec14)